Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities

© 1999 Robert A. Freitas Jr. All Rights Reserved.

Robert A. Freitas Jr., Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities, Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, 1999 Nanomedicine in the 1990s

Despite the tremendous importance of molecular nanotechnology, a published 1993 literature review of robotics in health care included not a single reference to nanotechnology or to nanomedicine.2255 At this writing in 1998, the list of original post-1989 technical and popular nonfiction works that deal with nanomedical topics in the mechanical tradition is short enough to permit virtually an exhaustive listing, including Beardsley,122 Bova,2973 Coombs and Robinson,570 Crawford,2270 Drexler,9,10,2397 DuCharme,358 Emanuelson,3270 Fahy,27,215,224,322,2271 Fiedler and Reynolds,70 Freitas,19,2300,1400 Kaehler,2272 Klatz and Kahn,2979 Kurzweil,2309 Lampton,168,330 Merkle,258,262,306,888 Merrill,3487 Minsky,132 More,2992,2993 Ostman,2284 Reifman,2273 and Wowk and Darwin.20 The first nanomedical device design technical paper was published in 1998 by Freitas in the biotechnology journal Artificial Cells,1400 and the present trilogy (Nanomedicine) is the first book-length technical treatment of the medical implications of molecular nanotechnology.

The author again must caution enthusiasts that the full capabilities of these machines will not be realized without a great deal of sweat and toil by legions of well-funded and dedicated researchers working for many decades to develop the technology. One purpose of this book is to help motivate this future work.


Last updated on 5 February 2003